
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Happy New Year - Adventure Update - Please Read
over 4 years ago – Fri, Jan 03, 2020 at 08:49:25 PM

Happy New Year!

We sincerely hope everyone had a great New Years celebration and wish you all the best for 2020. We are getting close to shutting down the pledge manager, but we still have about 30 backers that still have not filled out their survey. It's imperative that you take a few minutes to complete your survey or we will not be able to fulfill your pledge. We want to make sure everyone gets what they paid for so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE fill out your survey if you have not already. 

 Forged in Shadows Adventure Update

Things are looking great and moving along, but more slowly than anticipated due to an injury in my (Michael) back that flared up a couple of months ago. I'm only able to sit in front of the computer for short lengths of time before the pain becomes unbearable, so my progress has been slowed considerably. That being said, although all other rewards are on target to fulfill in February, the Forged in Shadows module will not make the fulfillment deadline along with the other rewards. We currently don't have a completion target data at this time, but will keep you posted. Rest assured it will get done and it will be awesome. We greatly apologize for the delay in the adventure, but we want to make sure we deliver a high quality product, rather than rushing something that doesn't meet our standards. We are using the same printers for this as we used for the Moebius Deck of Wonders so the quality will we be top notch. For those of you who've purchased a professionally printed copy of the adventure, we will ship it out to you at no extra cost when it's ready.

We've hired a very talented graphic designer (Jeni Hudson) for this project who has been doing a fantastic job with the overall look and feel of the layout, and we couldn't be happier about it (see below). As of this writing, here is the current content planned for this project:

  • Intro
  • Adventure
  • Valkhaldur Citadel (background on the city where the adventure takes place)
  • The Enlightened (background on the secret cabal that is behind the main plot of the adventure)
  • NPC's (background, images, and details on numerous NPC's the GM's can use in the adventure)
  • How To Create A 0-Level Character (detailed information on how to create a 0-level character for the adventure)
  • How To Use The Ultimate Character Creation Worksheet (details on how to to use the UCCW)
  • The Ultimate Character Creation Worksheet (4 pages of character background creation goodness)

We  are really excited for you guys to see and utilize The Ultimate Character Creation Worksheet. This is something that we've been using in our home games for decades and it will be making it's official world wide release within the pages of the Forged in Shadows adventure book.

As a reminder, all backers that pledged the Apprentice Level and higher will be receiving a PDF copy of Forged in Shadows adventure as part of their pledge for FREE. If you've already locked in your pledge but would also like a professionally printed version of the adventure when it's ready, you can still order it through the pre-order page by following the link below:


Valkhaldur Write-Up Example
Valkhaldur Coat of Arms, Banner, Flag
The Ultimate Character Creation Worksheet - Page 1 of 4

The Moebius Deck of Wonders Update

We've sent the printers the updated files for the Moebius Deck of Wonders so final printing should commence on those shortly. There will be a slight delay this month with the celebration of the Chinese New Year, so we will continue to keep you posted on that. Can't wait for you guys to get these decks in your hands. They look and feel so amazing. We are so very proud of this product and we hope that you are too. 

Thank you and happy Friday!

-Michael & Kim

Moebius Deck of Wonders Prototype
over 4 years ago – Mon, Dec 23, 2019 at 01:06:35 AM

Hello Friends!

We hope you all are enjoying the holiday season with friends and family, and lots of gaming. We received the prototype of the Moebius Deck of Wonders and it looks fantastic. It doesn't look like we will need to make any adjustments, so we are still on schedule for a Feb fulfillment date barring any unforeseen delays from the factory.  We cannot wait until you all have these in your grubby little hands. The gold gilded edges came out even better than expected. It really takes the deck to a whole new level of quality and visual appeal. Thank you all again for helping us realize the best version of the Moebius Deck of Wonders that we had imagined. 


Just a reminder that the Pre-Order page is still up, so if you have friends and family that missed the kickstarter they can still get in on this amazing deck, plus all of the add-ons (dice, custom dice bags, custom deck box, pins, stickers, posters, 1-shot adventure, etc) by following the link below. And, if you feel so inclined to share it on your social media pages, Facebook groups, and gaming groups that would be wonderful and greatly appreciated too!

Pre-order link:

Happy Holidays!

-Michael & Kim

Custom Dice Bags & Locking Orders
over 4 years ago – Fri, Dec 13, 2019 at 12:50:43 AM

Hello Friends! 

First, we just wanted to say that we had a blast at PAXU this year, and it was great getting to meet some of you fine folks face to face. We will definitely be attending again next year, and hopefully with a booth this time. 

Custom Dice Bags Limitions Lifted

Good news! As it looks as if everyone that wanted a dice bag got one, we will be lifting the limitation of 1 bag per person. There's only 25 bags left, so if you wanted one, or wanted more, do so soon!

Locking Pledges

As a reminder, for those of you who filled out your surveys, we will be locking orders and charging credit cards for Add-ons this Sunday, Dec 15th. If you wanted to add any additional items to your pledge, please do so before the 15th. You will still be able to update your shipping address after that.

Pledge Manager

Just a reminder that there are 41 of you who have still not filled out or completed your survey. We want to make sure you get the items you paid for, so please get those surveys filled out ASAP.

Thank you, and have a great weekend! 

-Michael & Kim

Backer Survey's Locking Dec 15th
over 4 years ago – Tue, Dec 03, 2019 at 09:11:34 PM

Backer Survey's Lock December 15th

Hello Friends!

A quick update to let you know that we will be locking in the Backer Survey's December 15th, so make sure to verify your shipping address and make any changes to your orders before then.

There's still about 8% of you (61) that have still not filled out your surveys. Please do! We want to make sure you get the rewards you paid for. 

Going to PAXU? 

We won't have a booth this year at PAXU, but we will be roaming the crowds so we hope to see you there!


Michael & Kim

Another Big Update!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 08:07:05 PM

Hello Friends!

We've got lots to share with you today, so lets get right to it!

Moebius Deck of Wonders

We've submitted the final artwork to the printers for the Moebius Deck of Wonders this week. and are just waiting for them to approve it. From there it will take 3-4 weeks to get the prototype. Assuming no hick-ups there, it will take another 4-5 weeks for the final decks to be finished and loaded onto a truck (approx. 500 lbs worth) and shipped to our fulfillment partner, Cerberus Supplies, in China. We will share any images the factory shares with us.

Dragon's Mana & Mystic Storm Dice

As we mentioned before, both sets of dice have been ordered and we expect they will be ready by the end of the month or the first week in Dec. Yay! Marc of Ice Cream Dice really did a great job with these, don't you think?

Moebius Deck of Wonders Custom Deck Box

You guys have been gobbling these beautiful custom deck boxes up, and for good reason. We cannot wait for you to see these in person and use them along with your Moebius Deck of Wonders in your games. We've placed an order with Dog Might Games for 70 boxes so far! Incredible!  They are in the process of ordering supplies and we will keep you posted on their progress.

Mystic Dragon Games Custom Dice Bags

Not to be outdone, these beautiful handmade dice bags by Dani of Hoop & Loom have been the 2nd most popular add-on behind the Mystic Storm Dice.  Dani has been hard at work getting these ready for you.  As we mentioned before, we are limiting these to 1 per person, and to 100 bags total. There are still some available, so if you wanted one, there's still time. If there are any left after all the pledges are in, we will open them up for people wanting more than one. 

The Moebius & Tankard of Truth Pins

We received the prototypes of both pins this week, and they look even better in person than we expected. So excited about these! Both have been ordered and we expect they will be shipping to our fulfillment center by the end of the month.


We just placed an order for 6000 stickers to fulfill Kickstarter stretch goal freebies and add-on/pre-order sales! Wowza! We know you guys love your stickers. They are great for slapping on your gaming gear and displaying at Cons.  These should be ready by the end of the month as well. 

Forged in Shadows Adventure

The adventure is coming along nicely. Most of the artwork has been completed or in progress, so we are looking good there. With everything else behind us now, we've been focusing 100% of our energy on writing and editing content. We will have more to share next week, but I really think you guys are going to enjoy this, and its shaping up to be more than just a 1-shot adventure. It's going to be packed with lore, lots of detailed NPC's, how to create a 0-level character, and a super secret surprise that we'll reveal soon.  Reminder that all pledge levels will receive a FREE PDF copy of Forged in Shadows and for just $10, you can add a professionally printed copy to your pledge. 

Extra Life 4 Kids

Thank you for those of you who have contributed to our Extra Life 4 Kids tip jar fund!  This is something near and dear to our hearts, and it really means the world to us that you've been so generous. So much so, that we will match whatever funds we raise while the pledge manager/pre-orders pages are open, up to $1000. Thank you for your love and generosity. #ExtraLife4Kids

Backerkit Pledge Manager

Aside from a few people who either didn't get their surveys, or were late in getting them, everything has been going very smoothly with the pledge manager, and we couldn't be happier. We realize the pledge manager launched later than we had planned, and probably later than some of you wanted, but it was very important to us that we got it right and lessen the chances of any issues on your end.

About 85% of you have completed your surveys (thank you!) in just a week, which is fantastic. We won't be locking down surveys for a few more weeks now, so if there's something you want to add or change to your pledge, you have plenty of time to do that.

Thank you all again, and have a fabulous, game filled weekend!

-Michael & Kim