
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Forged in Shadows and Other Shadowy Things
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Sep 27, 2019 at 08:16:58 PM

Forged in Shadows

We have some cover art sketches to share with you for the Free PDF 1-shot adventure that you unlocked during the Kickstarter campaign. The title of the adventure is Forged in Shadows. It will be a 0-Level adventure compatible with any RPG system. 

The adventure takes place in Valkhaldur, the birthplace of none other than Moebius Spinn himself. The adventure starts with the characters encountering a mysterious, shadow-like creature during the celebration of the Spring Festival, which starts them down a path of intrigue, mystery, and adventure! 

The players will create 0-Level characters comprised of commonfolk: artisans, apprentices, craftsmen, vagabonds, traders, entertainers, street vendors, guards, bouncers, or just your average Joe or Jane with a nagging itch for adventure. During the course of the adventure, players will keep track of tests in which they succeed and fail, which will help them decide what class of adventure best suits them. The plan is for this 1-shot adventure to lead into a long series of adventures that take the characters on an epic quest. In a way, this starting adventure answers the background questions of How and Why did your character become an adventurer. 

Which draft cover art version do you like best? 

Forged in Shadows cover sketches

Key of Shadows

We have another Archmage card design to share with you. This one was designed by Archmage John Hall. The Key of Shadows is bathed in beautiful craftsmanship, but is equally shrouded in mystery. It has three basic powers when the card is activated.  The first allows the user to open any door or lock. If you use this ability more than once per day, you run the risk of setting off an already disarmed trap, making the contents disappear, setting off an alarm, or any other mysterious event that GM's dream up.

The second allows the user to turn any door into an extra-dimensional space that can be used to store items in.  However, like the first power, if used more than once a day you run the risk of something terrible or unexpected happening. 

The third power gives the user the ability to once a week open a door that connects to another door that is known to them, effectively allowing the user and their companions to travel great distances. Use of this power more than once a week is possible, but again, will run the risk of something subtly warped or darkly humored happening to them.  The door may be a different one than the user wanted or something could be waiting on the other side for them.

Key of Shadows

Pledge Manager

Everything is coming along. Just a few more details to collect and we should be launching in the next week or so. Stay tuned!

Have a great weekend everyone!


Goblin Dice!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 19, 2019 at 07:14:53 PM

Hey guys,

Quick update. Wanted to share the latest Archmage card design with you. The Goblin Bones of Happenstance card was designed by Archmage Katie Downey of Stellar Arcanum and Rock Punch ATL fame and resident Dice Queen. These dice are the one of the most curious creations that Moebius Spinn ever created. 

When the card is activated it transforms into these strange looking dice. Once per day the user can chose to roll these dice. If you roll any combination of symbols that don't match, you can choose from 1 of the 6 following temporary effects. 1) Increased stealth  2) Increased initiative  3) Gain bite attack  4) Gain Darkvision  5) Can shrink up to 2 size categories  6) Increased Dexterity bonus. Each symbol is linked to one of the effects. If you happen to roll a pair, that effect immediately takes place, but in a reverse way. 1) Stealth decreased  2) Initiative decreased  3) Vulnerability to bite attacks  4) Become light sensitive  5) Grow 2 sizes  6) Dexterity decreased. These effects last a little longer than the others, so roll 'dem bones with caution! 

Goblin Bones of Happenstance


Michael & Kim

Upgrades & So Much More!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Sep 17, 2019 at 06:29:07 PM


We've been busy working behind the scenes negotiating and I'm happy to announce that we will be upgrading all of the vinyl stickers from the Moebius Deck of Wonders Kickstarter campaign from 1.5 inches to 2 inches! AND... wait for it... we will also be upgrading both the Tankard of Truth pin and the Moebius pin from 1.5 inches to 2 inches at no extra cost to you. Woot! 

The Moebius Pin

We received the mock-up graphic for the Moebius pin and we wanted to share it with you. This will be a 4-color soft enamel pin, with the 4 colors represented by the 4 gemstones. The other colors represent layers of metal height. The darker the color, the higher it will be three-dimensionally. We think this will look really cool, but before we move on to getting a sample made, we wanted to get your input. What do think? 

The Moebius Pin - Kickstarter Exclusivity Defined

Just like anything else when it comes to production, the more that you make at a time, the lower the cost. Until the pledge manager is closed, we won't know exactly how many we will need to fulfill orders. In order for us to make these cost effective we will need to produce 200 at a minimum.  If for some reason we don't meet that quota, we will still need to produce that amount to keep the costs low. Any excess we will need to sell to recoup costs. We will likely be giveaway a fair amount too. We just wanted to be totally transparent with you in this regard. Having said that, regardless of how many we need to fulfill orders from this campaign, whether its 200 or 1023, this pin design will never be produced again. There in lies the exclusivity. So if you decide to add one to your collection, you can feel confident that it will be a limited edition pin. 

Pledge Manger Update

The pledge manager is about 95% complete, but we want to hold off until we can check-off a few more boxes:

  • First we want to make sure everyone (or at least the majority) is happy with The Moebius pin design
  • We want to have the cover art for the 1-Shot adventure completed to show you
  • We want to have more details about the 1-Shot (number of pages, theme, etc) to share so for those of you wanting to purchase a professionally printed version you will have a better idea of what you're getting before committing 
  • Have a bit more time to finalize shipping costs so you guys get the best rates possible (this applies mostly to add-ons and pre-orders) 

Rest assured that delaying the release of the pledge manager will have no effect on delaying production for anything involved with this project.  Once we have a better idea on when these boxes will be checked off, we will announce when the pledge manager will go live. Ultimately we want to make sure we do this correctly right out of the gate.

Belt of the Tigerwarden

We are proud to show you yet another Archmage pledge card design. The Belt of the Tigerwarden was designed by Archmage Gregg W. Butala Jr. This belt has two functions that work together and are activated simultaneously. When the wearer has taken damage that would render them unconscious or dead, the Belt of the Tigerwarden instantly heals them for X percentage (still to be determined) of their total health. In addition, the belt summons an Ethereal Tiger that fights along side you, helping to protect you from further danger. I think any character would love to have something like this.

 Belt of the Tigerwarden

Misc Updates

  • Last of the Archmage pledge level cards are being illustrated - only 2 more to go!
  • Process of securing a Graphic Artist to layout the 1-Shot adventure
  • Fleshing out and writing the 1-Shot adventure is in progress
  • Received paper and cover quality print samples for the 1-Shot adventure
  • Print samples for the posters are in the works
  • UPC codes acquired for the Moebius Deck of Wonders, Dice, and 1-Shot adventure
  • First wave of dice bags have been ordered
  • Requested a quote from Dog Might Games for a custom deck box option that would accommodate the entire Moebius Deck of Wonders with card sleeves

Everything else is moving along as planned thus far. Hope everyone has a great week!

-Michael & Kim

Social Media Stretch Goals Closed
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Sep 15, 2019 at 07:30:07 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Artifice Scriptum
almost 5 years ago – Wed, Sep 11, 2019 at 01:46:32 AM

Hello friends!

Another quick update. First we have another Archmage card design to share with you. This one was designed by Archmage David Carnahan of Alexandria RPG Library. We are excited and honored that David chose to work with us on this project. If you aren't familiar with Alexandria RPG Library, they are a non-profit organization that tours the country to promote role-playing games to help PTSD Soldiers, the elderly, and at risk teens. Check them out at

Artifice Scriptum

The Artifice Scriptum card transforms into a magical scroll case. It has 2 basic, but powerful abilities. First, any document (letter, map, contract, etc) that is placed inside, will be magically restored to its original condition, restoring the paper, any text, drawings, and signatures for example. This is not only a useful tool in restoring old or damaged documents, but it can also be handy in uncovering forgery attempts or revealing text or images that have been altered from the original. Pretty nifty huh? 

Second, if the user chooses, they can place a document in the scroll case to place an illusion on it to make it look like some other document. For example, they could change a treasure map into a mundane looking letter, or make a contract say one thing, but when the illusion fades, it says something completely different. Sneaky!

Illustrations Into Actual Physical Objects?

We've been exploring the idea of taking some of the illustrations for our cards and turning them into actual physical items that you can wear and/or use as props/handouts in your games. How cool would it be when your player activates their Merchants Favor ring, or Cyclops Sight pendant, or Invisibility Snare coin card for the first time and you reach behind your GM screen and hand them an actual physical item!?! [Mind blown]

The jewelry pieces would likely be the easiest to reproduce, so if we were to do anything like that, we would probably start there. But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, we would love your opinion and feedback. 

  • First, would you even be interested in purchasing something like that?
  • If so, would you prefer quality over price? (i.e. real metal/gemstones vs. costume jewelry) or would you prefer a more budget friendly item that looks great, but with less expensive materials?
  • Which card design item would you like to see made the most first?

 You're feedback is invaluable, so thank you in advance for taking the time to answer.

Until next time,

Michael & Kim