
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manger & Change of Plans
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Sep 09, 2019 at 09:13:14 PM

Hello Friends!

Wanted to give you an update on the pledge manager. We will be using BackerKit as our pledge manager. We are close to having it completed, we just need some more time to calculate proper shipping costs for add-ons for various regions to ensure you aren't overcharged for anything. For those of you who haven't run a Kickstarter before, this is the most time consuming part of setting up a pledge manager, and we want to make sure we get it correct right out of the gate. If you aren't planning on adding anything beyond your initial pledge, then you're all set for shipping.

Right now we are shooting for the pledge manager to go live on Tues Sept. 17th. The pledge manager will stay live for at least a month to give everyone time to budget all of the goodies that they want, plus give us more time to collect pre-orders for those that missed the Kickstarter deadline. We will give you at least a 2-weeks advanced notice for when we will be closing the pledge manager down and locking in pledges.

US/China Trade War - Shipping Costs 

As many of you know, the US and China are in a trade war. As of right now, we do not foresee the trade war effecting shipping costs for this project, since everything that is being shipped from China (decks, dice, stickers, pins, etc) are being directly shipped to your door. However, things are fluid, and that situation can change day to day. Once we launch the pledge manager, all shipping costs will be locked in and we will absorb any additional costs that may occur when your items are shipped.

Custom Deck Boxes/Custom Dice Bags

As we mentioned in the Kickstarter campaign, the Dog Might Games Custom Deck boxes and the Hoop & Loom Custom Dice bags are being handmade here in the US. These items will be shipped directly from the US separately from your other items, and will have separate shipping costs.

Change of Plans 

Initially we said that we would keep the Social Media stretch goals open until the pledge manger closes, but as we started working on it we realized that really isn't possible because we need to know exactly what items will be in the pledge manager before we launch it. Each item has its own SKU# that requires a separate entry. With this being our first Kickstarter, this was a short-minded goof on our part and we apologize for that.

Having said that, there really hasn't been much movement on the Social Media stretch goal front since the Kickstarter closed, so it seems as though this little mishap will have very little impact on the overall project. However, we will continue to keep the Social Media goals active until Friday, Sept 13th. This will give everyone 5 more days to try to push their favorite Social Media stretch goals.

Social Media Strech Goals Close Sept 13th 9PM MST






Last Stretch Goal - Gold Gilded Edges

Unlike the Social Media stretch goals, this stretch goal will remain open until the pledge manger closes. Many of you are really excited about this card upgrade, and we are really hoping we can pull this one off for you, but we need your help. We are currently about $1700 shy from reaching that goal. Share the link below with your friends who missed the Kickstarter. Through the Indiegogo InDemand service, they can get the same rewards and add-ons that were available in the Kickstarter (minus the Archmage pledge level). 

Pre-order link:

Thank you all, and hope your weekend was filled with lots happy gaming!

-Michael & Kim

Ceremonial Renewal Claw
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Sep 05, 2019 at 08:38:49 PM

New Archmage Card

Hey guys, just a quick update today. We wanted to share another Archmage card design with you. This one was designed by Archmage Al Mele. This is the Ceremonial Renewal Claw. This card transforms into a shamanistic fetish necklace. When activated, the claw will dig into the users skin and transfer life force/hit points from the user to up-to 4 of their companions. Great for emergency situations.

Ceremonial Renewal Claw

The rest of the Archmage card designs are in various stages of development, but we will continue to share them with you as soon as they are available.

Have a great week!

-Michael & Kim

Moebius Weekend!
almost 5 years ago – Fri, Aug 30, 2019 at 09:20:00 PM

Greeting friends! Hope you have fun plans slated for the holiday weekend. We will be taking the weekend off, as our dear friends Steven & Madeline will be visiting us from Texas. Steven Dudley, as many of you may already know, is the man behind Moebius Spinn. In fact, Steven will be reprising his role as Moebius Spinn in and epic adventure that I (Michael) have planned for him and his companions (Norel - Madeline, Harrow - Kim, and Jordi - NPC played by Me). 

Aside from that, we just wanted to give you all a quick update on things.

Kickstarter transferred the funds today. Yay! It will take a few days for the money to actually post, but as soon as it does we will hit the ground running, placing orders and such. In the meantime we are continuing to work on content and getting the Pledge Manager ready.

Moebius Pin

We've submitted the artwork for the Moebius Pin, so as soon as we have a mock-up we will share it.

Gloves of Synergy 

We have a new Archmage card illustration to share with you. This one comes via Archmage Steve Frishcosy. The Gloves of Synergy are quite powerful and extremely useful. The gloves are considered magical weapons that can cause physical damage in melee combat due to the well placed steel knuckle protectors. Aside from that, the gloves have 2 basic functions. First - any mundane weapons wielded by these gloves becomes magical. Second - the user may give one of the gloves to another creature. This forms a symbiotic connection between the two glove wielders allowing for telecommunication between them, and also allows one of them to temporarily share a skill/talent/feat/ability with the other. How cool is that!?! 

We are happy to report that all Archmages have reported their ideas and illustrations, and all are in various stages of development. We will continue to share those as they become available. 


We are still taking pre-orders, so please continue to share with those that may have missed the Kickstarter deadline.

Thank you all, and have a fabulous weekend!

Michael & Kim

Archmages & Pre-orders
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 25, 2019 at 12:51:41 AM

Hello friends!

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Just a quick update to share some information. We are still plugging away behind the scenes on our end: prepping for production, communicating with manufactures, working with the Archmages on their card designs, and tying up loose ends from the Kickstarter campaign, etc. 

Pledge Payment Errors 

There were a handful of backers that their payments didn't go through for whatever reason. Check your spam folders for notifications from Kickstarter. If you missed the deadline to update your CC information through Kickstarter, no worries. You can still pledge by clicking the pre-order button at the top of our kickstarter page. You'll have access to all the pledge levels (minus the Archmage) and add-ons from the original Kickstater campaign. Once the Pledge Manager opens, you'll have an opportunity to pledge there as well.

Pledge Manager

Funds from the Kickstarter should be transferred by Thurs or Friday of this coming week. Once that happens we will begin placing orders for the dice and pins. Then, once everything is ready for the deck, we will place that order as well.

The Pledge Manager should be ready a week or so after that. At that time you can go in and manage your pledges and confirm your shipping addresses, etc. We plan on keeping the Pledge Manger open for at least a month. This will give extra time for those of you that are being budget conscious to allow you more time to plan and save. It will also give more time for those that missed the KS deadline to still jump on board.

New Archmage Card Design!

Talisman of the Reptile God

Backers, meet the latest Archmage card design going into YOUR Moebius Deck of Wonders! The Talisman of the Reptile God was designed by Archmage Catherine Bathe. This card allows you to summon various reptilian creatures to use as your bidding. Not only do these summoned creatures last longer than your normal summon spell, but you have complete control over them. Because the duration is much longer, you can use them in a variety of ways, not just for combat.

Reminder: The Stretch Goals, including Social Media stretch goals, are still active and will remain active until the Pledge Manager closes. So keep sharing and plugging away. There's still time to get some more MDG goodies.

Have a great weekend!

Michael & Kim

Moving On
almost 5 years ago – Sun, Aug 18, 2019 at 11:21:20 PM

We had a great weekend in the middle-of-nowhere, Colorado.  It was relaxing, fun and they had donkeys! Kim got her animal fix and Michael enjoyed being unplugged for a few days. 

But now we are back, refreshed and ready to move on to the next leg of this project!  

Another Stretch Goal Unlocked!

Sometime while we were relaxing with nature, you guys managed to unlock another social media stretch goal!  We now have over 500 views on Youtube, so that means you will have the chance to add on the Moebius pin in the Pledge Manager, if you want. We are so excited about this one, because WE wanted this pin, too!

We will submit the artwork to the manufacturer now, and get a mock-up similar to what the Tankard of Truth pin art looks like. We will post images once we have them.

Indiegogo InDemand Open for Pre-orders

We now have an Indiegogo Preorder site opened for anyone that didn't get a chance to support the Kickstarer campaign, but wanted to.  If you know anyone that missed the Kickstarter, but still wanted to get the Moebius Deck of Wonders or anything else from our campaign, you can give them the link to the IndieGoGo Preorder site:

With the exception of the Archmage Pledge level (all gone!), they will have access to everything that was available on the original Kickstarter campaign page, including the Add-ons. 

New Social Media Stretch Goal Links

As we mentioned before, we are extending the Stretch Goals and Social Media stretch goals until we close the Pledge Manager. With that in mind, we had to change the Facebook and Twitter posts to reflect that the Kickstarter campaign is no longer LIVE, but instead in Pre-order mode via the Indiegogo InDemand platform. But don't worry, the new posts SHARE and RETWEET totals will be added to what we've already acquired. Please share these new links (listed below) instead of the old ones. The new ones will direct people to the Indiegogo InDemand pre-order page. Any funds generated for the Indiegogo page will go towards the total funds raised to help unlock the last Stretch Goal - the Gold Gilded Edges card upgrade.

To give you an idea where we currently stand on the Social Media stretch goals, we've listed them below:

Facebook Shares (Goals 125/300): Current 43

Twitter Retweets (Goals 300/600): Current 167

Instagram Followers (Goals 1250/1500): Current 1200

Board Game Geek Fans (Goals 50/150): Current 32 

Use the links below to help us unlock the Social Media Stretch Goals!






And with that, we are back to work, full steam ahead!

-Michael and Kim