
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The Journey Continues
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 27, 2019 at 08:42:46 PM

Happy Weekend Everyone!

We hope everyone is enjoying an awesome weekend.  We are so excited that as of this posting, we are within touching distance of $13,000!  We are, as ever, amazed and humbled and thankful to all of you who have supported us to bring the Moebius Deck of Wonders to this point! 

Since our last post, you all have unlocked: 

Spinn's Horseless Carriage: 

The Rumor Mill Amulet (working title): 

And, the Helm of Parasitic Sight: 

We are also excited to share that we now have 6 Archmage pledges, which means you'll have 6 additional cards in your Moebius Deck of Wonders once we are finished designing them with those who pledged for this reward.  We've had some stellar ideas so far, trust us you are going to love them!  (Please note: If you pledged for the Archmage reward and you haven't already contacted us, email us at [email protected] so we can get started on your design)

And now for our surprise!  

If you have been following along on social media, you may already know about this one.  For those who haven't seen it, we are proud to announce that we've collaborated with Dog Might Games to bring yet another add-on to you.  Dog Might Games has designed an exquisite deck box to hold your Moebius Deck of Wonders.  Talk about the ultimate in gaming immersion when you present the Moebius Deck of Wonders to you players! 

Built out of solid American Black Walnut wood, this deck box features a plexiglass cover laser engraved with The Moebius symbol, strong rare earth magnets, and a double coat of catalyzed lacquer finish for a lifetime of beauty and comes with a lifetime guarantee.  We are drooling at the chance to see our cards in this gorgeous box!

So that's where things stand, thanks again to all of you!  

We are now only a little more than $2,000 away from unlocking the next add-on, the second set of Mystic Dragon Dice designed by Marc Schubert from Ice Cream Dice ( They are gorgeous and worth the wait! 

As amazing as we are doing with main campaign, we could really use your help in spreading the word and helping us unlock the Social Media stretch goals. Unlocking the Social Media stretch goals means more goodies for you!







Thank you so much and have a fabulous weekend! 

#MuchLove #MDGFamily

-Michael & Kim

The Gift of Gavel
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 10:53:07 PM

 Woo hoo!  We've unlocked two more stretch goals!

Look at this gorgeous Dragon's Hoard mirror in full color:

The Dragon's Hoard
The Dragon's Hoard

And, we've unlocked one of the most important items in the lore of Moebius Spinn: The Gavel

The Gavel
The Gavel

Speaking of lore and the Gavel...we thought this would be a great time to start telling the story of Moebius Spinn...

Allow us to further introduce you to Moebius Spinn, born Torus Spinn, creator of the Moebius Deck of Wonders. 

Torus Spinn stepped gingerly past a groggy puddle as he explored the caverns he knew all too well. Torus had spent much of his childhood playing here and now that he was a bit more mature, his “play” had the cover of a grown up task.  He had been asked by his father to scout out these caverns as a possible new source for the ore his people were currently seeking.

Torus didn’t expect to find much. These caverns had been mined thoroughly hundreds of years before and then left back to nature.  But it didn’t matter...Torus enjoyed exploring the pathways that had been dug by his ancestors long ago.

Rounding the corner of the tunnel he traveled, Torus crossed the threshold into what had been one of his favorite chambers as a child. This room had an ethereal quality, with the small pool in the corner casting it’s reflection against the salt crystals on the cavern’s ceiling and walls. Not that dwarves usually cared about ethereal, but Torus found he sometimes had an appreciation for things that the typical dwarf wouldn’t.

As Torus allowed his gaze to roam the room, he spotted something glinting in the wall opposite him.  Hoping to not find ore that would in the end destroy the tranquility of this room once the mining started, Torus moved to investigate.

Almost to the wall, Torus’ foot knocked a rock loose from the cavern floor and sent it careening in front of him. As the rock thumped into the stone wall, he simultaneously heard a quiet popping noise from behind him. And then the room flooded with light.

Torus gasped and spun around, squeezing his eyes almost entirely shut and bracing his hand above them to provide some semblance of a shield from the blinding light. From beneath his narrowed eyelids, Torus could just make out the shape of a man, animal, or… it was difficult to say.

Torus suddenly felt his trembling shoulders meet the cave wall, having not been conscious of backing away from the creature before him. As his eyes slowly grew more adjusted to the light, he could make out more details emerging from the brilliance. The being was tall, far taller than him, which as a dwarf, was no difficult feat.  But it still seemed as though the creature was even taller than an average human. And it didn’t really have the features of a human, for that matter. It looked, ‘other,’ for lack of a better way to describe it.

“Hello?  What are you doing here?” Torus croaked out.  

The being said nothing in return.  It’s dark eyes, surrounded by brilliance, however, were focused with intent on Torus.

Taking a deep breath, Torus growled, “I asked what you were doing here!”  He was louder and more firm this time, although his attempt at intimidation was diluted by the quiver in his voice.

The creature raised it’s claw or hand, Torus wasn’t sure.  It reached into...itself...and brought out a simple-looking, wooden hammer.  Then the creature beckoned him forward, holding the hammer out toward him.

"It's a gavel, not a hammer," Spinn thought, oddly. 

Torus took a single, hesitant step toward the being. While he didn’t feel forced, he did feel something compelling him.  He wasn’t sure if it was of his or the creature’s doing, but he squared his shoulders and gave in to the instinct to move forward.

As Torus haltingly grew within touching distance, the creature stretched its arm further, holding the gavel out to Torus and raising it to him as though to say, “Take it.”  Torus’ hands were shaking uncontrollably, but under his own free will, he raised his arms to accept the gift, and as his fingers grazed the head of the gavel, the being suddenly let go. Torus found himself fumbling with both hands to secure the wooden hammer, before it hit the ground, and did so with only inches to spare. 

“Uh, thank you?” Torus blurted, finding his voice again. “You want me to have this, right?  Does it do anything? What’s it for, exactly?”

The being briefly lowered it’s head and shoulders in a slight bow, stared at Torus for a moment more and then it abruptly disappeared, taking it’s brilliant light with it. The cavern winked back into darkness.

Torus stood rigid, waiting for his dwarven eyes to slowly re-adjust to the relative darkness of the cavern. As soon as he could see well enough, he found himself staring at his new acquisition, now held firmly in his hand. The gavel seemed simple enough, just a wooden tool with a long handle and barrel-shaped head. He slowly rotated it, searching every inch of it for clues as to what it really was. There were no marks or decoration on it as far as Torus could tell.  It didn’t look special in any way, really. Why had it been given it to him? And what about that creature? What was it, anyway? Did it seek him out or was it happenstance?

Torus Spinn decided he needed to speak to Eon immediately, for if anyone would have answers, it would be that magical human who had been a trusted friend of the family for years. 

Want to read more about Moebius Spinn?  You can find more tales on our website:

26 Days Left and We Are Feeling Great!
almost 5 years ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 09:16:43 PM

Who knew launching a Kickstarter campaign would be so fun?  

Sure, it's been a lot of work and it's also been nerve wracking, but it's definitely been worth both of those things for the excitement and edge-of-your-seat thrills this campaign has provided.  Add to that all of the amazing support and new friendships we've formed and this has been a ride of a lifetime. 

As of this writing, we have now unlocked 5 stretch goals and 1 social media goal. We are 137% funded and have 303 backers.  And the best news is, we still have 26 days to go! 

Here are the next three cards that you've unlocked and that will be included in the Moebius Deck of Wonders:

   Throne of the Wizard King

  Master of the Moment 

  Crown of the Wizard King 

Archmage Pledges

     We now have 3 Archmage pledges and have already contacted the first two individuals to start the process of designing their cards.  We are thrilled, because we absolutely love the creative process of designing and it's exciting to hear ideas from new folks. 

     Having said that, we neglected to include on the information on the Archmage reward that we need for you to contact us once you pledge so we can start the design process with you.  Will the person who pledged in the Archmage category on Friday please send us an email at [email protected]? We are excited to explore  your vision and get started!

There are only 7 Archmage Rewards left.  If you are interested in seeing your magic item idea come to life and be included in the Moebius Deck of Wonders for all to use, don't miss out on that pledge! You can easily upgrade your pledge through our Kickstarter page.


    We were excited to be featured on the Rollin' Bones podcast by Ryan Howard.  If you are interested in knowing more information about Moebius Spinn, The Moebius Deck of Wonders, Mystic Dragon Games, us personally, and what we like to play... then you should definitely check this out!  It is now live and you can listen to it by clicking the image below:

What's Next?

     The next stretch goal is one of our favorite cards, the Dragon's Hoard.  Want to know a little more about what it does?  It's not only a gorgeous item to look at (you'll have to help unlock it if you want to see it in all it's colorful glory), but it has substance, too!  This card is the gateway to the nearest dragon's hoard.  We aren't committing, but your character may or may not be able to help themselves to a little of that loot...although great reward also comes with great risk.  Don't say we didn't warn you!

Dragon's Hoard
Dragon's Hoard

   That's about it from us today.  We are off to take a breather from constant Kickstarter watch and go check out some local game shops.  We need to add some more games to our counts...have we told you that we keep a logbook of all the games we play together and who wins what?  We like to look at it as healthy competition to keep the zing in our relationship (but really, we just want to beat each other). 

Thanks again for joining us for this ride of a lifetime! You are obviously the reason we have gotten this far and we couldn't be more appreciative. 

- Michael and Kim 

2 Unlocked Stretch Goals + 1 Unlocked Social Media Goal
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:03:54 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 01:16:04 AM


So here we are, funded in less than 40 hours and we are blown away.  Thank you, each and every one of you.  It has really struck us as we scrolled through the names of backers, that we don't know most of you personally.  And somehow, that makes this success all the more sweet.  To know that virtual strangers and people we've only met online believed in our project enough to pledge funds means so much.  We promise to not let you down!  We believe in this project, as well, and we are so excited to get our products into your hands.

But even while we are celebrating this huge success, we realize that it's not over...we still have 28 days to go!  Plenty of time to unlock some (or hopefully all!) of our stretch goals.  We have some really incredible cards that we saved for stretch goals that you all will really want included in the deck.  

Our first stretch goal

When we reach $7500, the first 'extra' card to be unlocked is Spinn's Guardian Cloak.

Gorgeous, right?  And it is SPINN'S cloak, so it must be pretty awesome :)  

Social Media Stretch Goal:

Make sure to check those out, as a lot of these are easy to reach.  The one we are closest to reaching is 250 backers on this Kickstarter campaign.  Share with your friends, because if we reach that goal, everyone who pledged at a level that includes stickers will get the Another Face in the Crowd sticker for free!

What a day it has been!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!

-Michael & Kim