
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Your Forged In Shadows Copy
over 3 years ago – Wed, Nov 04, 2020 at 05:34:46 PM

Hello Friends!

As a quick reminder, all Moebius Deck of Wonders Backers are getting a free PDF copy of Forged In Shadows.  

** Apologize if you received  2 updates on this. That was my error. -Michael **


We Did It! Thank you!

This is just to inform you that we raised enough funds to get Forged In Shadows printed and it will be bigger and better than ever.  Thank you for your continued support! 

Thank you all again!

-Michael & Kim 

Forged In Shadows NPC Spotlight + New Art!
over 3 years ago – Mon, Oct 26, 2020 at 07:37:06 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Forged In Shadows - More New Art
over 3 years ago – Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 05:38:16 PM

Hello Friends!

We wanted to share some beautiful artwork with you that was just  completed by artist Tatiana Yamshanova.  This piece will be included in  the Forged In Shadows adventure book, and it depicts a first-person view  of the City Square of Valkhaldur on the opening day of the Spring Crafter’s Bloom Festival.  This is where your player's adventure begins!

If you look closely you can see all kinds of interesting characters  partaking in the week long festival. The potential of side quests are near limitless in this snapshot of the City of Wonders.

Valkhaldur City Square - Spring Crafter’s Bloom Festival

In addition, we present to you these beautiful dwarven crafted marbles. What on earth are those used for? Well, we don't want to spoil the surprise, but these are part of one of the class tests your players will face in the Forged In Shadows adventure!

Dwarven Crafted Marbles

How Do I Get A Physical Copy Of Forged In Shadows?

Some of you have reached out to us and wanted to know how to get a physical copy of the Forged In Shadows, or how to get some of the add-ons offered in the Forged In Shadows campaign. It's super easy! 

There's a couple options. If all you want is a physical copy of the Forged In Shadows adventure, you can just pledge at the Adventure's Backpack level for $18. This will get you physical copy and grant you access to the Pledge Manger so you can add an add-ons that you may want.

The second option is to do the Adventure's Coin Purse for $5, which will give you access to the Forged In Shadows Pledge Manager and that $5 credit can be used towards the purchase of any other items that you may want.

That's all we have for now. Have a great weekend!

-Michael & Kim

Coins Update #2
over 3 years ago – Sat, Oct 17, 2020 at 01:30:14 AM

Hello Friends,

Just doing our diligence in keeping you all in the loop on how things are going in the Forged In Shadows campaign. We have some more images to share of the coins. Since version 2 of the Twitter coin has received so much love, we decided to do a mockup of the Facebook coin in the same style. Now you can see both and help us decide which version you would like to see most.

Twitter Social Media Stretch Goal Coin - (Top or Bottom?)

Facebook Social Media Stretch Goal Coin - (Top or Bottom?)

  • We are offering a FREE 30mm  antique gold colored metal coin to every baker once we reach 150 Twitter  Retweets, and  3 FREE coins per backer when we reach 300 Retweets!
  • We are offering a FREE 30mm antique silver colored metal coin to every baker once we reach 150 Facebook Shares, and   3 FREE coins per backer when we reach 300 Shares!

Use the links below to help us unlock the Social Media Stretch Goals!




Moebius Spinn STL Stretch Goal

Happy to report that we are under $500 away from unlocking the STL Add-on file for this beautifully sculpted miniature of Moebius Spinn! For the Adventure's Coin Purse pledge you can have access to this Add-on and anything else in the Forged In Shadows campaign, including a physical copy of the Forged In Shadows adventure, once the campaign ends. So if you missed out on getting some of the goodies from the Moebius Deck of Wonders campaign, now's your chance to snatch them up at Kickstarter prices!

Forged In Shadows Link:

Birthday Joy

Today is Michael's birthday and he's requesting the spreading of joy in lieu of presents!

Hope your weekend is full of gaming and joy!


Michael & Kim

New Stretch Goals Added to Forged In Shadows
over 3 years ago – Wed, Oct 14, 2020 at 07:41:32 PM

Stretch Goals Revamped

Hello again Friends!

Given the current financial climate and global economy uncertainty largely brought on by the COVID pandemic, we've reevaluated our financial goals for the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter and decided that it's more important to us that we bring you what you want above any financial gain on our part. With that in mind, we've revamped the Stretch Goals to make the things that you want the most available to you much quicker.

With that said, we are very happy (and know this will make many of you happy as well) to announce that the Hand Made Dice, Moebius Spinn Miniature, Valkhaldur Top Down City Map, and the Shadow Creature Miniature stretch goals have been dropped significantly. In addition, some of the others were adjusted slightly lower as well.

Now we'll be able to unlock the Handmade dice at just 22k , Moebius Miniature at 24k, Valkhaldur City Map at 26k, and the Shadow Creature Miniature at just 28k!

Newly Adjusted Stretch Goals

  • $22000 - Handmade Dice: With this stretch goal unlocked, we will be able to produce these beautiful handmade dice for everyone to add to their shopping list.
  • $24000 - Moebius Spinn Miniature: Unlocking this stretch goal will allow us to manufacture this 3D model of Moebius Spinn into a 28mm scale miniature that everyone can add to their shopping cart and have for their home games.
  • $26000 - Valkhaldur City Map: With this stretch goal unlocked we can pay a professional cartographer to create a top-down map of the City of Wonders, Valkhaldur Citadel, which is where the Forged In Shadows adventure takes place. This will be included in the Forged In Shadow PDF and books.
  • $28000 - The Shadow Creature Miniature: This Shadow Creature makes an appearance in Forged In Shadows, so it only seems fitting that it gets its own miniature. Unlocking this stretch goal will allow us to manufacture this Large 3D model at 28mm scale.

New Stretch Goals Added

Many of you have expressed the desire to purchase the STL files for both the Moebius Spin and Shadow Creature, so we've added them at very attainable Stretch Goal levels. In fact, as of this writing we are under $1,000 away from unlocking the Moebius Spinn STL file!

  • $10000 - Moebius Spinn STL File: Once we reach this goal we will make the Moebius Spinn miniature STL file available as an add-on for $5.
  • $16000 - Shadow Creature STL File: Once we reach this goal we will make the Shadow Creature miniature STL file available as an add-on for $5.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

Michael & Kim