
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Forged In Shadows Launches Tomorrow - Early Backer Rewards!
over 3 years ago – Thu, Oct 01, 2020 at 12:32:52 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Kickstarter Video + Moebius Spinn Miniature!
over 3 years ago – Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 01:32:42 AM

Hello Friends!

Just a few days away from the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter launch and we have some more exciting news to share with you! We received the final edit to the Kickstarter video that we want to share with you, and we are working with 3D artist Mason Rhoades to create a 3D model of Moebius Spinn!

Without further ado... hers is the official Forged In Shadows Kickstarter Video!

Moebius Spinn Miniature

As we mentioned, we are working with 3D artist Mason Rhoades to create a 3D model of Moebius Spinn so that we can create a miniature that you can use for your Forged In Shadows game, or any other game that you like.  It's still a work in progress, but as you can see, the early images are fabulous! This will be a Stretch Goal that we are hoping we can unlock with your help.

3D Animation

Only 2 days away until we launch! 

If you're interested in following this campaign click the link below to get notified the moment we launch. Likewise, feel free to share the link with your gaming friends and gaming groups. We greatly appreciate any help getting the word out that you can.

To get notified when Forged In Shadows Kickstarter launches:


Michael & Kim

Handmade Dice and Dice Vault Pics!
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 25, 2020 at 02:19:13 PM


Hello Friends,

We have a short but exciting update to share with you. We have some glamour images of the custom dice vaults thatTalon & Claw are making for the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter.  These will be available as add-ons and as part of some pledge tiers. 

Sapele Wood 

Purple Heart Wood


  • Size - 7x8” hex design
  • A large rolling tray
  • 3” interior hex area that can be used as a small rolling tray, or to store dice and miniatures
  • Magnetize top & bottom for safe storage and travel
  • Contoured lip around the edges for easy access  
  • Lacquered finish to help protect the wood for many years
  • Holds minimum of 3 sets of dice
  • Features our Dragon logo etched on the top surface


Now this is something we are truly excited for, and you guys are getting the first look at these beauties! These are 100% handmade dice that we are having made specifically for the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter campaign.  These will be an add-on that you can purchase once the stretch goal has been reached. 

These dice were specifically designed to go with the colors and themes of Forged In Shadows; mysterious and delightfully colored in an array of purples and translucent blacks. The font will be different than what's pictured on these prototypes and we are experimenting on font colors as we speak. If you have any suggestions, let us know! 

How can we help get these beauties unlocked?

I'm glad you asked!  Follow the link below to be notified by Kickstarter as soon as this project launches Oct 1st 10am CST. Share the link with your friends, gaming groups, and on your social media. We will have some Early Bird Specials that you may not want to miss out on!

Thank you all for your continued support. It really means the world to us!

Have a great weekend,

Michael & Kim

Forged In Shadows Custom Dice Bag Reveal
almost 4 years ago – Fri, Sep 18, 2020 at 02:24:58 PM

Hello Friends!

We have some exciting news (and an image) to share with you today, and you will be the first to see it. We just received images of the completed handmade dice bags that creator Aras Sivad designed specifically for the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter.

Without further ado....

Forged In Shadows Custom Dice Bag


  • Height: 7" tall
  • Width: 4" wide a the base, 5" wide at the top
  • Draw string
  • Metallic silver thread
  • Flat bottom so bag naturally stands upright when opened
  • Holds a minimum of 14 full sets of dice
  • Color and patterned themed to match Forged In Shadows
  • Because of the unique pattern no 2 bags will be exactly alike

These sweet dice bags will be available as add-ons in the Pledge Manager after the campaign ends. Because each bag is handmade with love we are limiting them to a quantity of 100 to ensure we can produce them in time for fulfillment.

The prototypes are on their way to us now, but as soon as they arrive we will take even more pictures so you can see the inside pattern.

Forged In Shadows kickstarter launches Oct 1st 10am CST! Tell your friends! 

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

-Michael & Kim

Forged In Shadows Kickstarter Update
almost 4 years ago – Thu, Sep 10, 2020 at 02:34:04 PM

Hello Friends!

By now many of you should be enjoying your Moebius Deck of Wonders rewards, and we couldn't be happier with the responses we've been getting from you. It's a wonderful feeling when your vision comes into fruition, but its even more wonderful when others enjoy the fruits of your labor. We can't thank you enough. 

Forged In Shadows Kickstarter Launches Oct 1st!

We are supper excited about Forged In Shadows! We are partnering up with some new creators this go around, and due to some supply shortages and extra long shipping times, we've had to delay the launch of the Forged In Shadows Kickstarter a few weeks. The new launch date is Oct 1st at 10AM CST. This means our fulfillment got kicked back a bit too, so we are looking at a March fulfillment date. We are hoping to deliver sooner than that, but with the world in constant flux these days, we want to give ourselves some leeway. 

Reminder: All original Moebius Spinn Backers will receive a free PDF copy of the final production copy of Forged In Shadows. And everyone who purchased a physical copy from the Moebius Spinn campaign, will still receive it at no extra charge.

ADD-ON Sneak Peak

We are excited to announce that we have partnered with Talon & Claw to make a custom, 3 function, all-in-1 dice box for you! It will hold dice, miniatures, and will also give you a nice surface to roll your pretty dice in.  It measures in at ~8 x 7 inches, and the inner hex area will be ~3 x 3 inches to store a few miniatures or extra dice in. And if that's not all, we will be offering them in 2 different wood types: Sapele, which is a member of the Mahogany family, and Purple Heart.






Other ADD-ON's

As we mentioned before, we will be offering the Moebius Deck of Wonders, both sets of dice (Dragon's Mana & Mystic Storm), and both Pins (Tankard of Truth & The Moebius) as add-ons at the discounted Kickstarter rates for those who missed out the first go around. In addition to our partnership with Talon & Claw, we have also partnered up with stitch wizard Aras Sivad to create a new dice bag design that fits with the theme of our Forged In Shadows campaign. We'll provide a sneak peak of it as well just as soon as we have a finished prototype.

Unfortunately, Dog Might Games won't be able to provide more deck boxes for us until sometime after the first of next year due to a backlog of work caused by the COVID-19 shutdown. We'll keep you updated when we have more in stock.

I think that's it for now. More updates to come, including a sneak peak of the Kickstarter page once it's about ready for launch.

Take care,

Michael & Kim