
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

over 4 years ago – Thu, Mar 12, 2020 at 12:32:08 AM


We are getting close to having everything ready for fulfilling your pledges soon, so please log into your Backerkit account ( and verify your shipping address.

We will be locking addresses this coming FRIDAY, MARCH 13th.


Dice Bags & T-Shirts Wave 2 Shipped

Wave 2 (international orders) of the Dice Bags went out today. These are Dice Bag orders that also did not include Deck Boxes. If you ordered a Dice Bag(s) and Deck Boxes, your bags will be shipped along with your boxes as soon as we get them from Dog Might Games. If you ordered t-shirts, they also went out today as well.


Michael & Kim

Dice Bag Shipping and Other Updates
over 4 years ago – Mon, Mar 09, 2020 at 01:54:55 AM

Mystic Dragon Games Dice Bags

Hello friends! The first wave of dice bags have shipped out. If you ordered a bag(s) but did not also order a t-shirt and/or deck box, then your dice bag will be in this wave of shipping. Second wave will be international orders that also meet this criteria. Third wave will be customers who ordered dice bags and t-shirts, and the final wave will be orders that contain a combination of dice bags, t-shirts, and/or deck boxes.

Share pics of your goodies and tag us on social media! We love seeing your happy faces!

Facebook: /Mystic.Dragon.Games

Instagram: @MysticDragonGames

Twitter: @Mystic_DragonGM


Mystic Dragon Game Custom Deck Boxes

Dog Might Games was also affected by the COVID-19 China lock down. The supplier for their rare earth magnets for the deck boxes is from China (as most are), so they were forced to seek out an alternate trade partner. I'm told by DMG that we can expect to start receiving deck boxes in shipping waves as early as mid March. We'll keep you updated as soon as they arrive.

Want to add one of these beautiful deck boxes to your collection? Pre-order here: 

Moebius Deck of Wonders Update

We are happy to report that our printer has informed us that our fulfillment team should receive the printed version of the Moebius Deck of Wonders in a few weeks. YES!  We are so excited to get these in your grubby little hands. We cannot wait until you open up your packages to see and feel these cards for the first time. It will be magical!

Forged in Shadows: 1-Shot Adventure Update

We are making great progress on what is turning out to be a much bigger project with vastly more content than we originally planned. Artwork is about 85% done, and first draft writing is about 60% done. I'm really proud of what this is shaping up to be.  Visually it looks incredible, and we are planning for the content to be of equal or better quality as well. 

Just as a reminder, Backers who pledged Apprentice level and higher will be receiving a free PDF copy of Forged in Shadows once it is ready for print. For everyone else, you can pre-order the PDF and/or the professionally printed version by going to the Pre-Order page:

 Below are just 9 of the more than 24 NPC's detailed and illustrated for the adventure!


We are getting close to having everything ready for fulfilling your pledges soon, so please log into your Backerkit account ( and verify your shipping address. 

We will be locking addresses this coming FRIDAY, MARCH 13th. 

Have a great week!

-Michael & Kim

Please Verify Shipping Address
over 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 28, 2020 at 01:30:10 AM

Dice Bags and T-Shirts Shipping!

Hello Friends! We will begin shipping out Mystic Dragon Games Dice Bags and T-Shirts next week. Please log into your Backer accounts ( and verify your shipping address. We want to make sure everyone receives their stuff. 


Thank you,

Michael & Kim

Dice Bags, 1-Shot, and Moebius Deck Oh My!
over 4 years ago – Wed, Feb 19, 2020 at 07:36:17 PM

Mystic Dragon Games Dice Bags, T-Shirts, & Custom Dice Boxes

Greeting Friends! I'm happy to report that we have received the custom dice bags that Dani of Hoop & Loom created for us. Can't wait for you guys to see them in person. Dani did such an amazing job on these handmade bags. 

We will begin shipping them out next week, along with t-shirt orders. If you ordered a Custom Deck box from Dog Might, your dice bags will be shipped once we receive the deck boxes. Dog Might said that they would begin shipping out boxes by the end of the month in waves. 

We have (3) White and (10) Black dice bags left, so if you would like one, or would like to add another one to your order, use this pre-order link:

Moebius Deck of Wonders Physical Decks

We informed you a few weeks ago to expect a delay in the fulfillment of the physical decks of the Moebius Deck of Wonders due to the shutdown and quarantine of a good portion of China from the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Unfortunately that quarantine has lasted much longer than anyone had expected, so the printing and fulfillment of your physical decks will likely be delayed even further. Most areas are still locked down.  Right now we don't have any dates, but will let you know ASAP once we have more information. 

Moebius Deck of Wonders Print-n-Play PDF

Just a reminder that the download links went out last week via DriveThruRPG for the Print-n-Play version of the Moebius Deck of Wonders. If you didn't get your link, log into DriveThruRPG and it should be there waiting for you. 

Many of you have already shared with us your excitement, and expressed that you would be throwing the deck/cards at your players right away. Nothing warms our hearts more.  Please continue to share your use of the Moebius Deck of Wonders. We love hearing about all the creative ways you are using your deck. 

Likewise, we would love to get your critical feedback. Go to and rate and review us. Not only does this help us in improving the product down the road, but helps our little company get exposure so we can compete with the big boys and girls. 

Forged in Shadows 1-Shot Adventure

Happy to report that progress on the Forged in Shadows 0-level adventure is being made. My back is slowly recovering through rehab and I'm able to sit a bit longer at the computer than I was before. Likewise, artwork, design, and layout also continues. Below are the latest sketches of some key NPC's from the adventure.

 pre-order link:

Out Of The Country

Kim and I will be out of the country and out of pocket for about a week starting today, Wed. We are attending our eldest daughter's wedding in Budapest, Hungary. We will be checking emails and messages only periodically, so we might be slow to respond.

Enjoy the rest of your week!

-Michael & Kim

DriveThruRPG Download Links Sent for Print-n-Play
over 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 13, 2020 at 11:41:43 PM

Hello Friends!

For those of you who ordered the Print-n-Play digital version of the Moebius Deck of Wonders, DriveThruRPG finally approved the file and sent download links. Please make sure to check your spam folders.

Some of you will get the emails right away (if you haven't already), but for others it may take up to 24hs depending on what email service you use. If you haven't received your email from DriveThruRPG after 24hrs, please email us at mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com and let us know and we will take care of you.

If you can't remember if you ordered the digital version of The Moebius Deck of Wonders or not, you can login to  your Backerkit ( account and check your order. 

If you would like to purchase a copy, you can purchase it directly from DriveThruRPG, or follow this Pre-order link:

Now that we've fulfilled the digital portion of the Kickstarer, feel free to share the links with your friends and gaming groups to help us spread the word. 


After you have had some time to review and play with the Print-n-Play version, we would love if if you would rate and review it so we know what you think.


Michael & Kim