
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Pledge Manager Smoke Test on Tuesday
over 4 years ago – Tue, Nov 05, 2019 at 12:13:30 AM

Survey Smoke Test

Hello friends!

As a reminder, the "smoke test" will launch tomorrow (Tues), or as soon as we get Backerkit's final approval.  This will go out to a random 5% of the backers (determined by Backerkit's algorithms) to insure everything is running smoothly before we do a full launch. If everything goes well, AND we have enough responses, we can send out the rest of the surveys this Thursday.  So please check your emails (and junk folders). If you happen to be one of the 5%, please get your survey filled in as soon as you can so we can complete the testing.

Thank you for your continued love and support! We are very grateful to you all.

-Michael & Kim

Custom Deck Box - 60 Card Sleeved Edition
over 4 years ago – Sun, Nov 03, 2019 at 01:22:14 AM

Hey gang! 

You asked for it, and now it's here! We have pictures to show you of the new Custom Deck Box design that Dog Might Games designed specifically for those of you who wanted to be able to put all 60 cards with sleeves in your custom deck box. This version will be available in the pledge manager as a $49 add-on. The smaller version that will hold 60 non-sleeved cards will still be available as well for $39.

What do you think?

Crafted by the Viking Lumberjacks at Dog Might Games ( this exclusive, tarot sized Moebius Deck of Wonders Deck Box is extra large to allow to fit our full 60 card deck with sleeved cards. It is crafted out of Black Walnut and features a plexiglass cover laser engraved with our Moebius Symbol. Like all of Dog Might's products, this one comes with a lifetime guarantee.

Have a great weekend!

-Michael & Kim

BIG UPDATE - Please Read
over 4 years ago – Thu, Oct 31, 2019 at 09:56:01 PM

Hello Friends!

We have a lot to share with you so lets just jump right in....

Custom Mystic Dragon Dice Bags

These beautiful bags are being handmade by designer and seamstress extraordinaire, Dani Gage of Hoop & Loom. Because of that, we need to limit the number sold to 100 in order to assure we can meet the fulfillment deadline.  Dani has already been hard at work, producing 20 so far (10 black and 10 white) in anticipation of demand.  So if these dice bags are on your bucket list, makes sure and get in early and complete your pledge manager survey ASAP once it launches.  (see below for info on when the Pledge Manager will be launched)

The holographic image is just so cool, producing an nearly endless array of colors depending on the bag color and the lighting around it. I think you guys are really going to dig these. Some of you have asked how many dice will these will hold. Each bag will have 8 pockets so you can organize your favorite dice in any way you like. Since I (Michael) mostly GM, I separate mine by dice type (d4, d6, etc).  I did a test to see how many each bag can hold, and in my bag I have 13 different dice sets, plus a good handful of random d6's (see image below) and I could probably still fit another set or two in there and still be able to close up the bag tightly.

Dice, Dice, Baby!

Both sets of the custom Mystic Dragon dice that Mark Schubert of Ice Cream Dice designed for us have been ordered and are currently being manufactured. We are SUPER excited about this. We expect the dice to be done late Nov. early Dec. if all goes well.  Just a reminder that both of these beautiful dice sets will come with 11 dice: (2) d20, (1) d12, (1) d10, (1) d10 percentile, (1) d8, (4) d6, and (1) d4.

Mystic Storm: After consulting with Marc and after seeing the Mystic Storm (translucent set) dice in person, we decided to lighten the font color a few notches to increase readability in low light situations, but other than that, both sets will look the same as the demo copies that we've shared. 



Custom Pins

Both the Tankard of Truth pin and the Kickstarter Exclusive Moebius pin samples have been ordered and we expect to have images of physical copies to share with you by the end of Nov.  Also as a reminder, we've upgraded the size of both pins from 1.5 inches to 2 inches at not extra cost to you. Yay!

Tankard of Truth: The pin itself will be made out of Matt Gold (example below) with 4 different enamel colors. We cannot wait to see this in person!

The Moebius: The Moebius is an iconic fixture in the lore of Moebius Spinn, and in the lore of the fantasy universe that we are creating, so it was very important to us that this pin design hold up to its status. Because of this, it took longer than expected to come up with a pin design that we were happy with and that we thought you would all love too. 

It's difficult to picture in your minds eye from the images below, but the Moebius pin will be a 3D layered metal design with colored enamel for the gemstones.  The darker the color in the illustration, the higher it will be three dimensionally. We've included a 3D layered medal as an example to help illustrate the effect we are going for. 

 Forges in Shadows - 1-Shot Adventure 

We are working hard on the 1-shot adventure that you all unlocked during the Moebius Deck of Wonders Kickstarter campaign and wanted to share some images of some of the key NPC's that will appear in it.  The final page count will be somewhere between 28-32 pages, and as we develop it further we will share more info and images. As a reminder, All Pledge levels will receive a free PDF copy of the adventure, and we are making an add-on of a professionally printed version available in the pledge manger for those of you who like a hard copy as well.



Maev's Hook of Handiness

Thank you all for your input on the name for the last Archmage card designed by Archmage A. L. Williamson. We took your input and came up with Maev's Hook of Handiness. Having someone else's name attached to an item for this deck was never a consideration, but as it turns out, A.L.'s daughter and the man behind the creation of Moebius Spinn, Steven Dudley, share a special connection. Special enough that we felt it warranted the inclusion of her name on this card. It's something that's rather personal, so I'll let A,L. decide if she wants to share the details or not, but it is special nonetheless.

Maev's Hook of Handiness

Moebius Deck of Wonders

We have a new tuck box cover design to share with you. It's a drastic improvement from the tuck box design from the demo deck and we think it's glorious. Next up is the tuck box sleeve, which we hope to have the final version to share with you within the week. 

We are in the final editing phase for the insert sheet for the deck and hope to have everything ready to send off to the printers in the next week or so.

Moebius Deck of Wonders - Tuck Box Design

Custom Deck Box by Dog Might Games

Good news! Some of you requested a version of the Custom Deck Box to be able to fit all 60 cards with card sleeves. Well after weeks of development and testing, I'm proud to announce that Dog Might Games was successfully able to make a make a deck box that will accommodate all 60 cards with sleeves! It might seem on the surface to be a trivial matter, but because the card stack thickness with sleeves made it so they couldn't just mill out a whole in their standard sized planks of wood, so they had to be crafty and forge two pieces together and mill out a hole from there.  The deck box will for the most part look exactly the same as the one below, but thicker. We should have images of the new prototype to share with you by the end of the week. Because of the added wood and labor involved, this version will be a little more expensive; $49. You will still have the option of choosing the original version for $39 if you wish.

Custom Deck Box

Pledge Manager Soft Launch Nov 5th

And last but certainly not least, the pledge manager.  We know many of you are eager to get your Backerkit survey filled out and add-on's ordered, and we greatly appreciate your patience with us on this. We are happy to announce that we will be doing a soft "smoke" launch Tues Nov. 5th. This will go out to randomly selected 5% of the backers to make sure everything goes smoothly. If it does, and we expect it will, we will do a full launch on Thurs Nov. 7th. 

We expect the pledge manager to be open for at least a month, but try to get your survey filled out ASAP if you can so we can get an idea of quantities that we need to order for the add-on's. We will give you at least a 2 week notice before we close to pledge manager so you won't miss out. Please make sure you verify your shipping address.  This is very important, as we want to make sure 100% of you get the rewards you paid for.

Thank you again for putting your faith in us and your hearts in the Moebius Deck of Wonders. We cannot wait until you get all of the goodies you order in your hands.


Michael & Kim

Archmage Cards & Pledge Manager Update
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 18, 2019 at 11:02:16 PM

Hello friends!

We have the final image for the last Archmage card design to share with you. We just have a working title for this one, but maybe you guys can give us your feedback on what we should call it. The working title is Hook of the Gnome. This one was designed by Archmage A. L. Williamson

This item has 2 basic functions. First, it can be used once a day to magically create one mundane outfit. This can be very handy if you need a sudden costume change for spying, or suddenly find yourself in need of some winter clothes. Secondly, once per day you can have it create a small golem completely made from yarn. The user has full control over this little minion with the basic function to repair a single item (make whole). Alternatively, at the time of creation, you can give the golem 1 of the 4 following abilities 1) Cure disease 2) Cure poison 3) Cure ability damage or 4) Heal wounds. Regardless of which ability the golem performs, it can only perform the ability once and then it dissolves into a pile of yarn. Can be quite handy in an emergency situation, and free's up your healer from using one of their own spells for the day.

Hook of the Gnome 

We hope you agree that the Archmage pledge level was a huge success. These guys and gals really knocked it out of the park. We are so proud of the designs and ideas that they came up with. It was a real joy and pleasure to work on these card designs with them. As a recap, here are the other 9 Archmage card designs:

Artifice Scriptum                                  Belt of the Tigerwarden              Ceremonial Renewal Claw

by: David Carnahan                             By: Gregg W. Butala Jr                  By: Al Mele 

Tailsman of the Reptilian God                 Key of Shadows                        Goblin Bones of Happenstance 

by: Catherine Bathe                                  By: John Hall                              By: Katie Downey 

Wolf Sense Ear Cuff                                   Ring of Awareness                       Gloves of Synergy

By: Yolanda White                                      By: Michael  Killer                         By:Steve Frishcosy 

Pledge Manager Update

First off, thank you for being patient with us as we work through the challenges of the pledge manager. It's very important for us to make sure you guys have a clear understanding of what you are paying for when it comes to the add-ons, so we want to make sure we can provide you with as much accurate data as possible so you know what you're getting should you choose to add something to your original pledge.

We are happy to announce that we only have one more item that is holding us up from launching the pledge manager. The last (and biggest hurdle) has been the design of the Kickstarter Exclusive Moebius Pin. We weren't completely happy with the original mock-up of the pin design, so we've been exploring other options, other vendors, and other designs. This process has taken much longer than we anticipated, but our motto from day one for our business has been quality, and we would much rather delay the pledge manager than deliver a sub-par product to you, our backers and loyal supporters. 

Also please understand that, while the pledge manager launch has been delayed, this will have zero impact on our production schedule. We are still on track to delivering your rewards on time. As soon as we are able to secure a Moebius pin design that we are happy with, we will launch the pledge manager. We anticipating that we will be able to launch no later than the end of Oct.

We know many of you have been chomping at the bit to get your pledges and add-on completed, so we greatly appreciate your patience and continued support. 

Happy gaming this weekend!

-Michael & Kim

Uh Oh, It's Magic!
over 4 years ago – Fri, Oct 04, 2019 at 10:14:51 PM

1-Shot Adventure

Greeting friends!

Thank you for your feedback on the 1-Shot cover sketches. We always value and respect your input. You guys have helped drive and shape this project from the beginning and we appreciate the time you make for us.

So without further ado... here's the cover!

Forged in Shadows 1-Shot Cover Image

We've been busy working on the content, internal artwork and other goodies. Will share more as we move along. This is one of the elements we were waiting on for the pledge manager. Just a reminder, the PDF 1-Shot adventure will be a free download for all pledge levels. We will also be making available a professionally printed soft-cover version that you can add to your pledge if you like. 

Uh oh, its magic!

For those of you who haven't yet checkout our interviews or would like to know more background information on us, the Moebius Deck of Wonders, and Mystic Dragons, give these interviews a listen. 

Want to learn more about The Moebius Deck of Wonder, Moebius Spinn, Mystic Dragon Game, or us personally?  Try these great podcast interviews.

The Kevin Long Show Podcast:

D&DIY Podcast: 

Rollin' Bones with Ryan Howard Podcast:

Comics, Clerics & Controllers Videocast:

And lastly, something fun to take you into the weekend...

Magic tricks performed by Stephen Herron of DnDIY  (


Michael & Kim