
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Incredible Start! Thank you!
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:07:34 PM

First Day, Wow! 

At the time of this writing, we are at nearly 60% funding with 121 backers in under 15 hours on the first day! We are so appreciative and humbled by your belief in us and the Moebius Deck of Wonders. Thank you.

Creativity Unleashed

Many of you have already been sharing your ideas for the cards, and this couldn't make us happier. That's exactly why we designed the Moebius Deck of Wonders the way we did; to put the power of creativity into YOUR hands. And you guys have been coming up with some fantastic ideas on how to put these cards to use in your games.

Here's a few examples:

Window to the World: Window to the world is my favorite card! Honestly, my rogue would have one hell of a time with that card. Honestly, she’d probably use it for her assassin purposes. Or to figure out how the hell her party gets to the next location. 

The Tankard of Truth: The Tankard of Truth! I already grabbed a deck because of it. You see I have a dice game in my D&D game called Ship, Captain, Crew. And honor among thieves and sailors, magic always stops them from cheating. So before the place bets now, they must drink from the Tankard of Truth! 

Feline Friend:  I love the Feline Scout and while I can see my players using it to track someone that needs following, I can also see the softer hearted party members using it on one of the more reclusive party members to find them when they go off to contemplate their angst. 

Cloak of the Commonfolk: I think the Cloak of Commonfolk seems pretty neat. I figure it'd be an item to allow someone to blend into their surroundings easily. Could be really useful! 


Speaking of sharing your ideas for the cards.... We are putting the final touches on our Forum on our site, where fans and backers can share their ideas for each card from the Moebius Deck of Wonders. Our desire is that the gaming community will use this meeting place to exchange their own ideas for the card names, rules, lore, and share how they incorporated the MDoW into their home games. We are hoping that we can have that live on our site by the end of the week. Stay tuned!


There were a few questions that popped up in the comments section that we answered, but wanted to answer them again here in case some of you missed it.

Question:  If the other dice set is unlocked as a stretch goal, are they automatically added to all of the pledges that say you get ALL the stretch goals? Or do I need to fund a tier that explicitly gives dice and choose them (provided they unlock)? 

Answer: It would be an add-on if unlocked. And it looks like we failed to make that clear. We will be fixing that. Thanks so much for bringing that to our attention.  [We've updated the stretch goal board for better clarification.]

Question: Does the physical deck pledge level include a pdf of the deck or no? 

Answer:  If you would like the physical deck you can either pledge the Adept Wizard level and add the PDF later in the pledge manager, or pledge the Master Wizard level, which comes with both. 

Dice Giveaway

Many of you have been drooling over the 2nd set of dice (translucent) that Marc Schubert of Ice Cream Dice designed for us, and rightly so. Currently this is set as a stretch goal add-on. Well guess what? You have a chance to win a set of these sweet dice!  Marc is hosting a giveaway on his Twitter page, and the winner will receive a 7 piece set of these dice. PLUS! If we fund before the contest ends (Friday July 19. 10 pm MST), mark will throw in a set of his Orange Float dice.  How sweet is that?!?

Social Media Stretch Goals

Your response to our first project, The Moebius Deck of Wonders, has been incredible. It's a very satisfying feeling to know that so many other gamers out there understand and embrace our idea for this deck. We wanted to remind everyone that beyond the funding stretch goals, we also have a number of Social Media stretch goals can unlock a lot of amazing goodies. 






Extra Cards!

On our first day we already have 2 Archmage pledges, which means WHEN we fund, everyone will get 2 additional cards in their deck. There's 8 Archmage pledges left, so if you've ever had the desire to have a direct and creative impact on a gaming product, this is your chance. 


Thanks to you, our Kickstarter launch day has been an amazing experience. Thank you again for your love and support. We can't say that enough.

G'night MDG family.

-Michael & Kim