
The Moebius Deck of Wonders - Usable in any TTRPG System

Created by Mystic Dragon Games, LLC

Beautifully illustrated magic item cards that invite player interaction while putting Game Masters in complete control of their games.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

almost 4 years ago – Tue, Jul 14, 2020 at 07:40:20 PM

It feels so good to finally be able to say that!

 Hello Friends,

We've got some good news for you! As the title suggests, we will begin fulfillment of the main portion of the Kickstarter (list below) and pre-orders on Monday, July 27th.  So please take a moment and log onto your account and make sure your shipping address is accurate

If you need to make changes to your shipping address you will need to email us at mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com. 

FIRST WAVE: The first wave of shipments will be international rewards and pre-orders (all non-United States).

SECOND WAVE:  All USA rewards and pre-orders.

List of Rewards Shipping (starting July 27th)

  • Moebius Deck of Wonders
  • Dragon's Mana Dice sets
  • Mystic Storm Dice sets
  • Printed Moebius Spinn Posters
  • Printed Valkhaldur Citadel Posters
  • Moebius Pins
  • Tankard of Truth Pins
  • All Stickers

List of Rewards Already Fulfilled

  • Moebius Deck of Wonders Print-n-Play PDF
  • Moebius Spinn 16x20in poster (pdf)
  • Valkhaldur Citadel 16x20in poster (pdf)
  • Mystic Dragon Dice Bag orders (that did not also order deck boxes)

Custom Deck Boxes

We've got a special surprise for everyone that ordered a Custom Deck Box, but more on that in another post. Dog Might has completed all of the Large deck boxes (60 sleeved card version) and are in the process of wrapping up the remaining regular size boxes. We suspect that we should be able to start sending those out in the coming weeks. 

Mystic Dragon Custom Dice Bags (remaining orders)

Most of the dice bags have already been sent out, but a number of you that ordered deck boxes also ordered dice bags. To save on shipping costs, we have been holding those until we have the deck boxes and will ship them all together. 

Forged In Shadows Adventure 

Regrettably, this has taken a bit of a backseat over the last few months due to other priorities and focusing our energies on working through the fulfillment issues brought on by COVID-19 (among other things), but I'm happy to report that the first draft of the adventure was sent to our graphic designer for formatting this past Monday and lots of progress has been made. 

I'm really proud of the work that has gone into this, and you guys can expect a top-notch product when it's all done. Even though this is a free giveaway (PDF version) to all backers and supporters, it's not going to be cheaply made or hastily put together. You can expect the same quality and attention to detail that we put into all of our products. 

You'll also be happy to hear that through the development process, the scope of this project has changed and expanded into something much bigger than a simple 1-shot adventure. We will give you guys a more detailed report in future updates, but it will likely lead into a whole line of future adventure products that will take characters from 0-level to well beyond. 

For those of you who ordered hard copies of the Forged In Shadows adventure, we will be shipping it to you separately once it's printed. 

There's still time to order a professionally printed copy. Just follow this Pre-Order link

Thanks all and have a great week!

-Michael & Kim 

Happy 4th of July Discount!
almost 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 04, 2020 at 01:37:02 PM

Hello Friends,

Hope all of our fellow American's are enjoying their 4th of July weekend celebrations as best as you can considering... you know... COVID-19. We were really hoping to have a fulfillment update to you all by this weekend, but we are still waiting for our fulfillment team to work out a few more details. Some of you have already submitted mailing address changes to us, so please keep those coming if needed (mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com).

We've also been receiving a lot of very thoughtful and uplifting messages from you regarding the fulfillment delay due to all the craziness happening in the world, and we can't thank you all enough for the love and support that you've given us. This is definitely not how we wanted to kick-off our company's first foray into Kickstarter, but we are managing as best as we can considering the obstacles that have been put before us. 

Moebius Deck of Wonders Print-n-Play Discount

As a thank you for your continued support, we wanted to offer you a 50% discount on the Moebius Deck of Wonders Print-n-Play version via DriveThruRPG. If you already have a digital copy of the Moebius Deck, please consider gifting a copy to a friend or family member, or pass on the link to others. Gifting a copy is easily done through DriveThruRPG's check-out process. 


Leaving Feedback/Ranking

If you've used your digital deck and have enjoyed it, please consider taking a moment to leave us feedback and a rating (or just a rating) on DriveThruRPG's site. This goes a long way in helping us get more exposure and developing our brand. 

Thank you all very much and have a great (and safe) 4th of July Weekend!

-Michael & Kim

Free Posters & Shipping Update
about 4 years ago – Thu, Jun 25, 2020 at 12:21:29 AM


Hello Friends,

We hope you are all doing well in these crazy times. Just a quick update to let you know that you all should be receiving emails from DriveThruRPG in the next few days with links to download your free Moebius Spinn and Valkhaldur 16x20 inch posters.  Please check your spam folders just in case. If for whatever reason you haven't received your email(s) from DriveThruRPG by this Saturday, please email us at mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com and we will look into it.

For some reason DriveThruRPG notes that the files are watermarked, but don't worry, they are not. Print with confidence. If you would like professionally printed copies of these posters, you can still pre-order them here: PRE ORDER PAGE

The Wizard-King, Moebius Spinn (16x20 full color poster)

Valkhaldur Citadel, the birthplace of Moebius Spinn (16x20 full color poster)


We know many of you are anxious and frustrated that we have been unable to fulfill your pledges. Believe us, we feel your pain. It's as if the world is conspiring against us. Between the world wide pandemic, the trade war between China and the US, and China's recent reclassification with the Universal Postal Union, drop shipping small items from China has become time and cost prohibited. 

To give you an example, 6 months ago, postage for 1 deck of MDoW (~220 grams) from China to the US cost around $5. Now it's almost $12. 

BUT! We have been diligently working with our fulfillment team trying to come up with alternate solutions that will be safe and cost effective. We are hoping to have some good news to share with you by the end of the week. Just waiting on a few more details. Stay tuned!


We are really hoping that we can begin shipping in the next few weeks, so PLEASE make sure your shipping address is correct. To check this, just go to, login and select the Moebius Deck of Wonders campaign to verify your shipping address. If you need to make changes, you will need to email us at mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com and we will make the changes for you.

We've said this a lot, but we really appreciate your love and support, and very gracious that you have been so patient with us as we navigate these unprecedented times.

Be safe and be well,

Michael & Kim

Shipping Update
about 4 years ago – Mon, May 11, 2020 at 12:23:35 AM

Hello Friends,

First, we hope you and your family are all are safe and healthy. We had a few family emergencies involving COVID-19, but we are happy to report that everyone is making a full recovery. 

Shipping Update

We apologize for being a bit late in our update, but we wanted to make sure we had all the information we needed before sharing it with you. We have some good news and bad news. Lets get right to the bad news. Our fulfillment team is still advising us to hold off shipping for a bit longer. This is disappointing news for all of us, but we carefully took everything in consideration, and we feel its the best course of action right now. 

There are still a number of issues being reported from various shipping outlets, especially those coming from China. In some cases, packages are laying around shipping facilities for weeks or even up to a month, before they are being put on a plane. Additionally, shipping costs have increased to some countries that make it cost prohibitive through standard shipping channels. Rest assured though, we want to get your rewards to you as soon as possible, and we will. It's our foremost priority, but we need to hold off for a little longer until things normalize. 

As part of our commitment to you, we will not sell or distribute any of the physical merchandise generated from this Kickstarter until we have started fulfillment. We are all in this together, and we greatly appreciate your patience in these trying times.

The Good News

The good news is that the  Moebius Deck of Wonders has safely arrived from our printers to our fulfillment partners. Yay!  They have put together some images and a video that we want to share with you.  Enjoy!

Custom Deck Boxes

As you already know, we are working with Dog Might Games to produce the custom deck boxes for this campaign. They still haven't returned back to full production yet, but we are working with them to see if we can potentially get those of you who ordered boxes a free box upgrade. We'll share more information once we've nailed down the details.

Stay safe and be well.


Michael & Kim

about 4 years ago – Wed, Apr 01, 2020 at 01:12:13 AM


Hello Friends,

We know everyone is struggling with the sudden life changes brought on by the COVID-19 crises. We sincerely hope you all are staying safe and taking care of yourselves and your families. With all of the chaos happening right now in the world, we do have some good news to report. The physical Moebius Deck of Wonders have shipped from our printer to our fulfillment partners in China. They should have them in their hands by the end of the week. This would normally mean we would start fulfillment soon, but we've made the difficult decision to postpone shipping until things are a bit more under control and stable.

We've been monitoring the shipping situation from reports from our partners and colleagues and many are reporting heightened instances of lost, delayed and damaged packages. Some areas of the world have prioritized shipping medical supplies and COVID-19 related packages over everything else (a good idea), while some areas have suspended shipping all together. In light of this, we are going to hold off on shipping out your rewards until we feel things have returned to a bit of normalcy. This was a difficult decision and one that we did not make lightly, but we want to make sure you get what you paid for and lessen the stress of dealing with lost or damaged packages.

As of right now, we are targeting the end of April to begin fulfillment, but this is our best guess. Things are very fluid right now, as situations change almost on a daily basis. We will continue to monitor the situation and let you know when an exact date has been chosen. 


Shipping addresses have been locked, but if you need to make changes to yours, you can do so anytime within 48hrs of the fulfillment date to make changes by emailing us directly at mysticdragongm AT gmail DOT com. 


Some of you may already be aware that Dog Might Games have shutdown their shop due to COVID-19 restrictions imposed by the authorities in their state. This means we will not be able to ship out Deck Boxes (and those that ordered Deck Boxes & Dice Bags) until sometime at the end of April or May, depending on when they can get back to work.


As we are all looking for ways to cope and escape from the realities of this world, we wanted to remind you all that there's a FREE demo version of the Moebius Deck of Wonders available for download over at DriveThruRPG. Let your friends know they can download 6 of the 60 cards to play around with in their games. 


Take care and be safe!

-Michael & Kim